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Give Smiles- July

We would like to share some good news with you:  this month of July we have received donations from 2 boys who have taken part in our GIVE SMILES programme for their birthdays. When the Covid-19 crisis is turning the whole world upside down, there are acts of...

Building Munna’s House

The Right to a dwelling is included in the Universeral Declaration of Human Rights and although many Governments  watch their housing policy, the truth is that the number of people still homeless is alarming.  1600 million inhabitants of our world live in...

Femenine Hygiene; A workshop for mothers

In India, 335 million young girls and adult women have a monthly menstruation, but 200 million of them have no relevant information on hygiene during this period.   The lack of menstrual information in India´s rural areas is so great that we considered it ...

De-Confinement in India and Plan of Action

From Bodhgaya in India, Raquel Mason, the Director of Akshy, reports on the present situation and Akshy´s future Plan of Action. : Akshay Educational Centre, Amwan, Bodhgaya India has entered the de-confinement phase with minor restrictions in spite of the rise in...

Creando empatía en Palma…

Este post va dedicado a todas las personas que han difundido nuestros mensajes pidiendo ayuda para el Fondo de Alimentos para paliar el hambre de las familias en Bihar, India debido al Covid 19 u otras campañas y os contamos tres ejemplos en Palma de Mallorca. Hay...