Hosting por

For just 22 euros a month you can ensure that a class or a child has access to quality education, school supplies, uniforms, etc., receives emotional support and has medical care covered.  

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If you want to collaborate by maintaining contact with the children, you can do so in the following way. 

Sponsorship of a class (€20 per month)

In order not to leave any child out and so that everyone can boast of having a godmother or godfather, in addition to receiving an education, this is the modality we suggest.

With the monthly contribution of several godfathers/godmothers, the education and health expenses of the students of an entire class will be covered. In this case, the whole class gets involved in getting to know the families abroad, the boys and girls will share their culture, they will put your postcards or photos in the class and they will talk about where you live, what you do, etc. They will like to know about you and your life. You will be the godfathers/godmothers of a certain class, you will see their progress and each one of you will individually receive their letters, drawings and photos each year. You can write them an email or a letter and send them a photo to encourage them to study.

Your contribution, along with those of other sponsors, covers everything related to the education and health of all the children in the class, so that it extends to all families, contributing to improving the conditions in which they live, since the direct and close contact with The students make it easier for us to know their family’s needs and the difficulties they may be going through and this means we can help them in a more efficient way. In addition, through the children, their family and environment they learn about other projects that we carry out and from which they can benefit.


If you still prefer the Sponsorship of a specific child because you want to maintain a correspondence with him/her, it is also possible. (€20 per month) 

As a godmother/godfather you will be able to follow the evolution of the child you sponsor through letters, photographs and drawings. Due to the nature of this collaboration, sponsorship must be a more long-term commitment.


Please get in touch with us through the following email:

* Note: If you don’t have a bank account in Spain please contact:

Sponsorship Form

SPONSORSHIP. I want to sponsor for an amount of €22 per month:

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