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De-Confinement in India and Plan of Action

From Bodhgaya in India, Raquel Mason, the Director of Akshy, reports on the present situation and Akshy´s future Plan of Action. : Akshay Educational Centre, Amwan, Bodhgaya India has entered the de-confinement phase with minor restrictions in spite of the rise in...

Creando empatía en Palma…

Este post va dedicado a todas las personas que han difundido nuestros mensajes pidiendo ayuda para el Fondo de Alimentos para paliar el hambre de las familias en Bihar, India debido al Covid 19 u otras campañas y os contamos tres ejemplos en Palma de Mallorca. Hay...

Covid-19 Actions and measures taken by Akshy

AKSHY has taken urgent action and measures to provide food for the most vulnerable families in the 4 villages where we work, besides helping the Health Centre in Bodhgaya by donating masks. At the start of of the Covid-19 pandemic in India, the measures introduced by...

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar workshop

por Raquel Mason | Sep 25, 2019 | Sin categoría | 0 Comentarios WHO WAS DR. B.R. AMBEDKAR? Of the 350 children who study in our schools, 97% are “untouchables” or “dalits”, but neither they nor their families...

A Henna workshop and its significance

As part of our Project for Women,  courses are held for young girls so they have an opportunity to take part in different learning workshops.  In addition to the sewing class, we also have beautician courses, henna, ABC, computers, etc. In this way the...